meet shelby

I've had a camera in my hand since I was 10, and it didn't take long before I learned the power I have to make others feel beautiful. When you step in front of my camera, that's my wish for you as well. To feel beautiful and confident just as you are.

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I'm Shelby!

Hermana Love, She’s home!

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons, LDS) the young and old can choose to serve a mission. During these missions they leave their homes and their families for 1.5 to 2 years to teach the gospel to other people in another place. They can be called to go anywhere in the world! You aren’t paid, you don’t get to call or FaceTime mom when things get tough, these missionaries depend solely on God for their strength and their courage. They love their church so much that they willingly leave their home to go and bring strangers closer to Christ. A little over a year and a half ago I took pictures of and posted a blog post with photos of three sweet sisters who were preparing to go serve.

Brittany’s mom asked me if I could be at the airport waiting with the family to document her homecoming. She was flying in all the way from the Chile Concepcion Mission where she spent the last year and a half. Thinking about the excitement and the love of these moments makes my eyes water. I hope you feel how special of an occasion this was through these photos I’ve shared. Congrats Brittany, we love you so much!

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HermanaLoveHome--39HermanaLoveHome--40HermanaLoveHome--41HermanaLoveHome--42Us girls! Some serious girl time is underway. (Oh and back pockets are for lens caps)HermanaLoveHome--43HermanaLoveHome--44HermanaLoveHome--45

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© shelby lea photography, llc, 2023