I debated on how appropriate it was to share these pictures on our professional wedding photography blog. Then I came to the conclusion that we get to share the most important day of our clients lives with them. We get to know them, their families, their love stories, and their sweet personalities. It’s only fair that they get a glimpse into our lives. Here is our *new* most important day of our lives, the day our little lady was born!
When we found out I was pregnant we had a few weddings scheduled towards the end of my pregnancy, I was nervous but with frequent doctors appointments they assured me that I was okay to shoot and I in turn assured our sweet brides. We also had back up photographers on call ready to go if anything were to go wrong. We had made it past our last wedding, and then I spent the following week editing, cleaning house, getting the nursery ready, all those last minute things. Then that Saturday while sitting at home editing wedding photos my water broke!
(Colbe and I at the last wedding we photographed before Lola arrived!)
It’s the craziest most exciting thing! It was such a relaxing day, I had just eaten brunch with two of my good friends, Colbe was home with me, it was just perfect timing!! We headed to the hospital full of excitement, so ready to meet our baby girl!
When we got there everything went perfectly, they got us in quickly and to a room! I was in no pain for the longest time so we just got to enjoy being together! I won’t go into detail of when the troubles began but I ended up developing preeclampsia in the 23rd hour of labor. They quickly took us into the operating room for our c-section!
I wasn’t scared about much until they told us that we were going to have to have the c-section and I’m not going to lie… then I was terrified. I was expecting an easy birth with no complications. But once Lola was safely out it was all okay and I felt the craziest amount of joy and was at peace. Here’s a picture of my face the second I saw her.
Colbe took all of these photos in the operating room, during the midst of the chaos, along with comforting me. He basically is superman. I’m so grateful that he was able to document Lola’s birth even though it wasn’t quite the traditional route. I also think it’s a little funny and so special that he knew to capture our “first look” just like we do on wedding days. You go babe!!
Lola Faye Smelser – Born at 3:19PM on May 20th, 2018. 7 pounds and 1 ounce, she was absolutely perfect!
Can we just talk about how sweet Colbe is in all of these photos the nurses took of us? Not only do I have the most perfect angel in my arms but I have the best husband by my side.
Our family’s face the first time they saw Lola!
Lola had to stay in the special nursery for the first 48 hours following her birth, the nurses in there were so amazing and so kind.
We then got to keep Lola in our hospital room with us the rest of our stay!
After day 5 we got a little tired of being there so we took lots of walks through the hallways!
Day 6! We were SO excited to head home and start our new lives together!! I love this little family of mine!