Colbe’s family spends a few weeks every Summer in Utah! They rent a beautiful cabin right off of the Provo River and it’s always so much fun! The last time we got to go was before we were married so it was fun to get a chance to go again this year! We had so much fun having time off and exploring the state! So here are some of our pictures, cell phone and DSLR Photos mixed together!
The first day were there we went to City Creek Mall and also visited Temple Square in Salt Lake City! It was beautiful and there was so much to see! We ate at the Lion House Pantry for lunch and I had the best salmon I’ve ever tasted! I can’t wait to go back and get more! Seriously it was the best!
These are some fun views and pictures of us just hanging out around our cabin!
And of course we had to take Nala on the trip! After taking her to White Sands, New Mexico we decided she’s going everywhere with us! She’s the greatest travel dog! I grew up with dogs but never had one that we took everywhere because they weren’t ever good at it! With Nala I learned that since we took her everywhere with us since she was a baby – it made her a great traveler! We are so lucky to have her!
One of the days we were there we went Zip Lining at Sundance Mountain Resort! It was absolutely amazing! I am terrified of heights but it wasn’t as scary as you would think! I ended up having so much fun! I went zip lining at summer camps growing up but never anything this big or high! It was beautiful!
Colbe’s cute mom came with us! Here’s a selfie!
Another fabulous part of our trip was the Love Land Living Planet Aquarium! If you know me you know that I love the ocean and the beach, so my love for aquariums is quite high as well! This is one of my absolute favorites that I have ever been to!! It’s a must see for sure!!
Colbe and his dad spent tons of time fishing! I grew up bass fishing in ponds in Oklahoma but this was my first time ever fly fishing! I had so much fun watching them and trying it out a time or too!
Also my first time holding a snake… haha! I had to pretend I was tough in front of the guys!
We also hiked up to Silver Lake! (I think that’s what it’s called anyway!) It was 2.5 miles up and 2.5 miles back! It was a tough hike for Colbe and I because we weren’t adjusted to elevation but it was so worth it! Nala loved hiking and riding in my backpack when she got tired! Like I said, best travel dog ever!
The views were unbelievable!
Now time for our Yellowstone Pictures!!!
I was mostly excited about Yellowstone because of all the wildlife and the views! To be quite honest I had zero interest in the geysers but they ended up being my favorite part!!!
There’s Old Faithful!!
If you guys follow me – I’m sure you’ve seen lots of my beautiful cousin Kasey! She was traveling for rodeo and she happened to be in town the same time we were! So we met up and had brunch at a cute little cafe!
Also….. I GOT A PERM! I was feeling like it was time for a change! So here’s a picture of Colbe’s sweet and very talented cousin and I after she did my perm! She’s the best! She works at Main Street Salon in Pleasant Grove Utah! Hit me up if you’re in town and need her number!! :)